Lots of New Enhancements in 'The Temptation'
The "Two Worlds" universe is now even more interactive. Together with the upcoming sequel "The Temptation", a new gameplay feature has been developed that will enable the player to influence his environment even more. He can now use chests, barrels and other items to defeat his opponents or to reach higher ground - and as far as the vertical is concerned, there are ladders available in "The Temptation". And when you've climbed up there, you'll be able to see the wondrous new landscapes which have been created by the developers. Two examples of these are a Savannah and a Jungle. You'll have mangroves, lianas, cacti and new animals, all filling the new worlds with an abundance of life, like rhinos, baboons, leopards and panthers.
CEO Alexandra Constandache: "So with 'The Temptation' we've succeeded in realizing a truly intensive gaming experience - an experience that also includes the refining of the 'older' elements together with truly stunning new features! When you move objects, for example, the possibilities are almost endless... you can use all your creative talents and enable very interesting quests at the same time."
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