The Easy Company Debuts with Off-road Racer MOTORM4X
A number of Czech-based game development veterans have announced the existence of The Easy Company s.r.o., a Prague-based studio committed to creating games for PC and consoles. The core development team at The Easy Company previously held lead-positions at Illusion Softworks where they made significant contributions to a number of record-breaking hit titles including Hidden & Dangerous 1 and 2 and Mafia. The Easy Company have been working behind closed doors on its debut title for the past 14 months, an all-terrain off-road racer entitled MOTORM4X for the PC. MOTORM4X is a non-formulaic racing-title that lets players drive and explore large outdoor terrains in a variety of SUV and off-road vehicles featuring simulated GPS and 4WD functions including player-controlled axle-locking, 4 wheel drive and GPS pathfinding.
The Easy Company is financially backed by ARCA Capital Bohemia, a private investment company specializing in providing venture capital to expanding companies in Central and Eastern Europe.
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