Stranger: Meet Steiger
Fireglow Games presents Steiger ? one of the three main heroes of the upcoming RPG/RTS-blend Stranger. The character for advanced players that like challenging gameplay. In his home world, Steiger was an educated spy. His last quest was to investigate the bizarre happenings in the City of Wizards. Therefore he knew how to survive in hostile surroundings and adapted very quickly to the world of Stranger, called Kront. Steiger is perhaps the most flexible of our heroes. His ability to powerfully wield an axe in melee helps him to get rid of monsters getting too close. But his skills in using a crossbow are unsurpassed and help him decimate enemies before they come close, including flying ones.
Steiger is not only a valiant fighter because of his fighting ability, but also because of his excellent vision and hearing. While others may pass unaware, Steiger "feels" hidden magic artefacts and machines that could aid his course.
Already being deadly himself, Steiger's full power is to be seen when he is leading a squad of units. His mastery in using the green spectrum of magic crystals allows him to heal wounded soldiers and even to resurrect dead ones. Facing an army that will stand up every time you knock them over might be found hard to overcome?
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