Supreme Commander Shipping
THQ's Real-Time Strategy game Supreme Commander has shipped for Windows PC. Supreme Commander redefines strategic scope and scale with a full Theatre Of War zoom function, giving gamers command over hundreds of land, sea and air units on massive battlefields. Set in the 37th century, Supreme Commander presents a galaxy that has been ripped apart by three warring factions, each vying to eradicate the universe of all opposition and end the 1000 year Infinite War. Gamers will experience an all new level of scope and scale for the RTS genre, establishing a new benchmark in strategic and tactical gaming. Unprecedented player control encompasses countless land, sea and air units, in addition to the innovative zoom function - scrolling outward to see the entire Theatre of War or inward to focus on the action. Developed by legendary RTS developer Chris Taylor, Supreme Commander allows players to command their forces to victory through a unique storyline, innovative gameplay and infinite online multiplayer battles.
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