
Big Toe Software Issues Cash Out

Big Toe Software announces Cash Out is now available from the Big Toe website. Cash Out combines the classic matching style game with casino and slot machine styled features. Spin a slot machine wheel for bonus points, match power tokens together to spin the board or grant a little extra bonus. Cash Out contains no betting, so it is fun for the whole family.

The game design is simple. Slide rows of casino icons up, down, left, or right in order to match 3 or more of the same icon. Rack up huge bonuses by chaining together as many matches as possible. In Cash Out three modes of play grant any skill level a fun and unique experience. In Classic Mode the difficulty scales with each level and it is a race against the clock for bonuses. In Challenge Mode time works against you by locking down pieces, creating an ever more difficult struggle to survive. In Relaxed Mode there are no time triggered locks, so each move can be pondered and calculated to achieve the maximum results.

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