
Poker Face from Play Technologies

Poker Face from Play Technologies plans to bring all of the excitement, skill and challenges of real world poker to the interactive world. Poker Face features other players, all of whom have their own unique body language and 'tells', which can help you guess just how open and honest they are.

Poker Face also moves away from the bright, simplistic primary colors and safe, sterile design of the casino games, to create a darker, complex and more dangerous world of back-room games and underworld card sharks.

Poker Face plans to give players a chance to compete against characters who behave just like real people, giving the same signals and making the same mistakes. Poker Face also features a narrative thread running through the game, giving players the reason why they're playing and introducing characters like card sharks, crime bosses and femme fatales. Losing game no longer just means just losing money, your skill with the cards and how well you read the other players could be all that stands between you and a set of broken fingers.

Poker Face is being developed for the PC and Sony PlayStation Portable. The game is scheduled for release in Fall 2006.

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