date | description | cat. No. | mint | used
25.01.2017. | The Year of Cock. | 882A | 4,5 | 4,5
25.01.2017. | The Year of Cock. | 882B | 8 | 8
25.01.2017. | The Year of Cock. | Klb.882A | 27 | 27
25.01.2017. | The Year of Cock. | Klb.882B | 48 | 48
26.01.2017. | Happy New Year! | KEP53-KEP54 | 7,5 | 7,5
26.01.2017. | Happy New Year! | Klb.KEP53-Klb.KEP54 | 37,5 | 37,5
25.02.2017. | WWF. Pelicans. | 883A-886A | 14 | 14
25.02.2017. | WWF. Pelicans. | 883B-886B | 30 | 30
25.02.2017. | WWF. Pelicans. | Klb.883A-Klb.886A | 84 | 84
25.02.2017. | WWF. Pelicans. | Klb.883B-Klb.886B | 180 | 180
25.02.2017. | WWF. Pelicans. | Klb.883-886A | 28 | 28
25.02.2017. | WWF. Pelicans. | Klb.883-886B | 60 | 60
25.03.2017. | Flora and Fauna of Kyrgyzstan. | 887A-888A | 5 | 5
25.03.2017. | Flora and Fauna of Kyrgyzstan. | 887B-888B | 16 | 16
25.03.2017. | Flora and Fauna of Kyrgyzstan. | Block82A (887A-888A) | 10 | 10
25.03.2017. | Flora and Fauna of Kyrgyzstan. | Block82B (887-888B) | 32 | 32
25.03.2017. | Flora and Fauna of Kyrgyzstan. | Klb.887A-Klb.888A | 30 | 30
25.03.2017. | Flora and Fauna of Kyrgyzstan. | Klb.887B-Klb.888B | 96 | 96
06.04.2017. | Edible Mushrooms of Kyrgyzstan. | KEP55-58 | 15 | 15
06.04.2017. | Edible Mushrooms of Kyrgyzstan. | KEP Block15 (55-58) | 15 | 15
06.04.2017. | Edible Mushrooms of Kyrgyzstan. | KEP Klb.55-Klb.58 | 75 | 75
15.04.2017. | National Horse Games. At Chabysh. | 889A | 4,5 | 4,5
15.04.2017. | National Horse Games. At Chabysh. | 889B | 8 | 8
15.04.2017. | National Horse Games. At Chabysh. | Klb.889A | 27 | 27
15.04.2017. | National Horse Games. At Chabysh. | Klb.889B | 48 | 48
06.05.2017. | UNESCO World Heritage. Protected Areas. | 890-892ZdA | 7,5 | 7,5
06.05.2017. | UNESCO World Heritage. Protected Areas. | 890-892ZdB | 24 | 24
06.05.2017. | UNESCO World Heritage. Protected Areas. | Klb.890-892A | 15 | 15
06.05.2017. | UNESCO World Heritage. Protected Areas. | Klb.890-892B | 48 | 48
20.05.2017. | Persons. | 893A-894A | 5 | 5
20.05.2017. | Persons. | 893B-894B | 16 | 16
20.05.2017. | Persons. | Klb.893A-Klb.894A | 30 | 30
20.05.2017. | Persons. | Klb.893B-Klb.894B | 96 | 96
26.05.2017. | The 4th Islamic Solidarity Games. | KEP59-62 | 13,8 | 13,8
26.05.2017. | The 4th Islamic Solidarity Games. | KEP Block16 | 13,8 | 13,8
26.05.2017. | The 4th Islamic Solidarity Games. | KEP Klb.59-Klb.62 | 82 | 82
24.06.2017. | 75th Anniversary of the Kyrgyz State Opera and Ballet Theatre. | Block83A (895-897A) | 7,5 | 7,5
24.06.2017. | 75th Anniversary of the Kyrgyz State Opera and Ballet Theatre. | Block83B (895-897B) | 24 | 24
29.06.2017. | Historical and Cultural Ties Between Kyrgyzstan and China. Li Bai. | KEP Block17(63-64) | 7,5 | 7,5
30.06.2017. | Joint Issue Kyrgyzstan-Belarus. Horses. | KEP65-66Zd | 7,5 | 7,5
30.06.2017. | Joint Issue Kyrgyzstan-Belarus. Horses. | KEP Klb.65-66 | 22,5 | 22,5
07.07.2017. | 19th International Botanical Congress in Shenzhen. | KEP67-68 | 7,5 | 7,5
07.07.2017. | 19th International Botanical Congress in Shenzhen. | KEP Klb.67-Klb.68 | 37,5 | 37,5
08.07.2017. | Birth Bicentenary of The Great Warrior Baytik. | 898A | 3 | 3
08.07.2017. | Birth Bicentenary of The Great Warrior Baytik. | 898B | 8 | 8
08.07.2017. | Birth Bicentenary of The Great Warrior Baytik. | Klb.898A | 18 | 18
08.07.2017. | Birth Bicentenary of The Great Warrior Baytik. | Klb.898B | 48 | 48
14.07.2017. | Salbuurun - Traditional Kyrgyz Hunting. Taigan dog. | KEP 69-71 | 11,5 | 11,5
14.07.2017. | Salbuurun - Traditional Kyrgyz Hunting. Taigan dog. | KEP Block18 (69-71) | 12 | 12
14.07.2017. | Salbuurun - Traditional Kyrgyz Hunting. Taigan dog. | KEP Klb.69-Klb.71 | 46 | 46
11.08.2017. | The Year of Morality, Education and Culture. | 899A | 3 | 3
11.08.2017. | The Year of Morality, Education and Culture. | 899B | 8 | 8
11.08.2017. | The Year of Morality, Education and Culture. | Klb.899A | 18 | 18
11.08.2017. | The Year of Morality, Education and Culture. | Klb.899B | 48 | 48
11.08.2017. | International Snow Leopard and Ecosystem Forum. | Block84A (900A-901A) | 7,5 | 7,5
11.08.2017. | International Snow Leopard and Ecosystem Forum. | Block84B (900B-901B) | 24 | 24
14.10.2017. | Heroes of the Kyrgyz Republic. | 902A-903A | 4,4 | 4,4
14.10.2017. | Heroes of the Kyrgyz Republic. | 902B-903B | 16 | 16
14.10.2017. | Heroes of the Kyrgyz Republic. | Klb.902A-Klb.903A | 26,5 | 26,5
14.10.2017. | Heroes of the Kyrgyz Republic. | Klb.902B-Klb.903B | 96 | 96
21.10.2017. | 25th Anniversary of the Collective Security Treaty. | Block85A (904A) | 9,5 | 9,5
21.10.2017. | 25th Anniversary of the Collective Security Treaty. | Block85B (904B) | 24 | 24
04.11.2017. | Fauna of Kyrgyzstan. | 905A-908A | 8,7 | 8,7
04.11.2017. | Fauna of Kyrgyzstan. | 905B-908B | 32 | 32
04.11.2017. | Fauna of Kyrgyzstan. | Block86A (905A-908A) | 9 | 9
04.11.2017. | Fauna of Kyrgyzstan. | Block86B (905B-908B) | 35 | 35
04.11.2017. | Fauna of Kyrgyzstan. | Klb.905A-Klb.908A | 54 | 54
04.11.2017. | Fauna of Kyrgyzstan. | Klb.905B-Klb.908B | 192 | 192
15.11.2017. | 60 Years of the Space Age. | KEP72-4 | 10,6 | 10,6
15.11.2017. | 60 Years of the Space Age. | KEP Block19 (72-74) | 11 | 11
15.11.2017. | 60 Years of the Space Age. | KEP Klb.72-Klb.74 | 53 | 53
17.11.2017. | 25th Anniversary of the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic. | KEP Block20 (75-77) | 12 | 12
18.11.2017. | Centenary of October Revolution. | 909A | 3,7 | 3,7
18.11.2017. | Centenary of October Revolution. | 909B | 8 | 8
18.11.2017. | Centenary of October Revolution. | Klb.909A | 22 | 22
18.11.2017. | Centenary of October Revolution. | Klb.909B | 48 | 48
20.11.2017. | International Year of Tourism. Pearls of Kyrgyz Nature. | KEP Block21 (78-79) | 9,4 | 9,4
22.11.2017. | 25th Anniversary of the Armed Forces of the Kyrgyz Republic. | KEP 80-83 | 12,9 | 12,9
22.11.2017. | 25th Anniversary of the Armed Forces of the Kyrgyz Republic. | KEP Block22 (80-83) | 13 | 13
22.11.2017. | 25th Anniversary of the Armed Forces of the Kyrgyz Republic. | KEP Klb.80-Klb.83 | 77 | 77
24.11.2017. | The Great Silk Road. | KEP Block23 (84) | 7 | 7
02.12.2017. | Epic "Er Toshtuk". | Block87A (910-913A) | 8 | 8
02.12.2017. | Epic "Er Toshtuk". | Block87B (910-913B) | 32 | 32
30.12.2017. | Flora of Kyrgyzstan. Rice. | 914A-915A | 5 | 5
30.12.2017. | Flora of Kyrgyzstan. Rice. | 914B-915B | 16 | 16
30.12.2017. | Flora of Kyrgyzstan. Rice. | Block88A (914-915A) | 5 | 5
30.12.2017. | Flora of Kyrgyzstan. Rice. | Block88B (914-915B) | 16 | 16
30.12.2017. | Flora of Kyrgyzstan. Rice. | Klb.914A-Klb.915A | 30 | 30
30.12.2017. | Flora of Kyrgyzstan. Rice. | Klb.914B-Klb.915B | 96 | 96
30.12.2017. | RCC. National Handicrafts. | 916A | 3,7 | 3,7
30.12.2017. | RCC. National Handicrafts. | 916B | 8 | 8
30.12.2017. | RCC. National Handicrafts. | Klb.916A | 22 | 22
30.12.2017. | RCC. National Handicrafts. | klb.916B | 48 | 48
31.12.2017. | Great Personalities. | KEP 85-89 | 17,5 | 17,5
31.12.2017. | Great Personalities. | KEP Block24 (85-89) | 17,5 | 17,5
31.12.2017. | Great Personalities. | KEP Klb.85-Klb.89 | 70 | 70