Birds. Date of issue: 26th February 1996 ![]() Enlarged Image ![]() Enlarged Image Designer: B. Koblianidze Paper: coated Printing process: offset Perforation: comb.14 Size of a stamp: 42.5 x 28.5 mm Size of a Miniature Sheet: 192 x 136 mm Sheet composition: 16 (4 x 4) stamps Printing run: 37.000 Michel catalogue numbers: Klb.152-167 - Klb.168-183 15 (T) multicoloured. Barn Swallows, hirundo rustica 15 (T) multicoloured. Redwing (spotted breast), turdus iliacus 15 (T) multicoloured. Common starling (black with greenish wing), sturnus vulgaris 15 (T) multicoloured. Hawfinch, coccothraustes coccothraustes 15 (T) multicoloured. Tree pipit, anthus trivialis 15 (T) multicoloured. Golden oriole, oriolus oriolus 15 (T) multicoloured. Collared flycatcher, ficedula albicolis 15 (T) multicoloured. Chaffinch, fringilla coelebs 15 (T) multicoloured. Crested tit, parus cristatus 15 (T) multicoloured. Yellowhammer, emberiza citrinella 15 (T) multicoloured. Pied wadtail, motacilla alba 15 (T) multicoloured. Blackbird, turdus merula 15 (T) multicoloured. Redstart, phoenicurus phoenicurus 15 (T) multicoloured. European robin, erithacus rubecula 15 (T) multicoloured. European nuthatch, sitta Europeea 15 (T) multicoloured. Blue tit, parus caeruleus 15 (T) multicoloured. White-tailed sea eagle, haliaeetus albicilla 15 (T) multicoloured. Osprey, pandion halaetus 15 (T) multicoloured. Short-toed eagle, circaetus gallicus 15 (T) multicoloured. Common buzzard, buteo buteo 15 (T) multicoloured. Red kite, milvus milvus 15 (T) multicoloured. Marsh harrier, circus aeruginosus 15 (T) multicoloured. Northern goshawk, accipiter gentilis 15 (T) multicoloured. Ural owl, strix uralensis 15 (T) multicoloured. Europea hobby, falco subbuteo 15 (T) multicoloured. Common kestrel, falco tinnunculus 15 (T) multicoloured. Screech owl, asio otus 15 (T) multicoloured. Great grey owl, strix nebulosa 15 (T) multicoloured. Golden eagle, aquila chrysaetos 15 (T) multicoloured. Lesser spotted eagle, aquila pomarina 15 (T) multicoloured. Tawny owl, strix aluco 15 (T) multicoloured. Eagle owl, bubo bubo Souvenir Sheets Block5-Block6 |
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