date | description | cat. No. | mint | used
12.12.2020. | Storming of the Bender Fortress. | 1000 | 2 | 2
12.12.2020. | Storming of the Bender Fortress. | Klb.1000 | 16 | 16
12.12.2020. | Dogs in Space. | 1001 | 1,5 | 1,5
12.12.2020. | Dogs in Space. | Klb.1001 | 12 | 12
12.12.2020. | Marshal Vasilevsky. | 1002 | 1,5 | 1,5
12.12.2020. | Marshal Vasilevsky. | Klb.1002 | 12 | 12
12.12.2020. | 800th Anniversary of Alexander Nevsky. | Block122 (1003) | 5 | 5
24.12.2020. | Cosmonauts. Space. | 1004-1009 | 5 | 5
24.12.2020. | Cosmonauts. Space. | Klb.1004-Klb.1009 | 35 | 35
24.12.2020. | Prominent Personalities. | 1010-1013 | 3 | 3
24.12.2020. | Prominent Personalities. | Klb.1010-Klb.1013 | 30 | 30
24.12.2020. | 25th Anniversary of Constitution of DMR. | 1014 | 1 | 1
24.12.2020. | 25th Anniversary of Constitution of DMR. | Klb.1014 | 10 | 10
24.12.2020. | Old Postal Routs. | 1015 | 1,5 | 1,5
24.12.2020. | Old Postal Routs. | Klb.1015 | 12 | 12
24.02.2020. | Definitive Issue. | 937-938 | 0,5 | 0,5
24.02.2020. | Navy Commander F.F. Ushakov. | 939 | 2,5 | 2,5
24.02.2020. | Navy Commander F.F. Ushakov. | Klb.939 | 17,5 | 17,5
30.06.2020. | 75th Anniversary of Victory in Great Patriotic War. | 940-941 | 3,5 | 3,5
30.06.2020. | 75th Anniversary of Victory in Great Patriotic War. | Klb.940-Klb.941 | 25 | 25
30.06.2020. | 75th Anniversary of Victory in Great Patriotic War. | Block117 (942-947) | 15 | 15
30.06.2020. | History of the PMR. | 948-951 | 4 | 4
30.06.2020. | History of the PMR. | Klb.948-Klb.951 | 40 | 40
30.06.2020. | Award Weapons of the Revolution. | Block118 (952) | 7 | 7
30.06.2020. | International Year of Health. | 954 | 1 | 1
30.06.2020. | International Year of Health. | Klb.954 | 5 | 5
30.06.2020. | 75th Anniversary of Victory in Great Patriotic War. | 955-956 | 3,5 | 3,5
30.06.2020. | 75th Anniversary of Victory in Great Patriotic War. | Block119 (957-962) | 15 | 15
30.06.2020. | History of PMR. | 963-966 | 4 | 4
30.06.2020. | History of PMR. | Klb.963-Klb.966 | 40 | 40
30.06.2020. | Award Weapons of the Revolution. | Block120 (967-968) | 7 | 7
30.06.2020. | International Year of Health. | 969 | 1 | 1
30.06.2020. | International Year of Health. | Klb.969 | 5 | 5
28.08.2020. | Bicentenary of the Discovery of Antarctica. | 970-971 | 5 | 5
28.08.2020. | Bicentenary of the Discovery of Antarctica. | Klb.970-Klb.971 | 50 | 50
02.09.2020. | 30th Anniversary of DMR. | Klb.972-979 | 7,5 | 7,5
12.09.2020. | Church in Podoimitsa. | 980 | 1 | 1
12.09.2020. | Church in Podoimitsa. | Klb.980 | 8 | 8
30.09.2020. | Printing House Polygraphist. | 981 | 1 | 1
30.09.2020. | Printing House Polygraphist. | Klb.981 | 4 | 4
30.09.2020. | Olympic Games Tokio-2020. | 982-984 | 6 | 6
30.09.2020. | Olympic Games Tokio-2020. | Klb.982-Klb.984 | 120 | 120
30.09.2020. | Olympic Games Tokio-2020. | Klb.982-Klb.984c | 48 | 48
14.10.2020. | Centenary of the Civil War in Russia. | 985-990 | 6 | 6
14.10.2020. | Centenary of the Civil War in Russia. | Block121 (985-990) | 6,5 | 6,5
14.10.2020. | Centenary of the Civil War in Russia. | Klb.985-Klb.990 | 60 | 60
24.11.2020. | 25th Anniversary of Writers’ Union. | 991 | 1 | 1
24.11.2020. | 25th Anniversary of Writers’ Union. | Klb.991 | 4 | 4
11.12.2020. | Frontline Doctors Fighting the COVID-19. | Klb.992-999 | 12 | 12