Emery “Detroit Junior” Williams, Jr., died on August 9, 2005
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Terry ware 09.03.12 22:04 messages : 1
My mother is Juanita (Jordan)Ware, she was from Starksville Miss.and her and Mr williams had a brief relationship back in 1959-1961,and I am a product of that relationship and yes he knew about me and my last encounter with him was when i was between 6 0r 7 years old he gave me $10.00 in front of Carr's Department store. I was with my aunt and I recntly found out in my search for him that he had passed I have sent emails to someone claiming to be his granddaughter but no response I would like to meet any family members of his that are still living. I regret he never legally acknowledge me and I will submit to D.N.A. testing to prove who I say I am his daughter.I can be contacted by email at
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