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| Powtech remains the most important trade fair for the industry ![]() POWTECH from 23–25 April 2013 confirmed its position as the world's biggest and most important trade fair for technologies for mixing, size reduction, screening, dosing, weighing and analysis of powders, granules and bulk solids. "A steady number of exhibitors, very good response from the visitors and a large international share show how important our trade fairs are for the international powder and bulk solids processing industry, " sums up Willy Viethen, Director Exhibitions at NürnbergMesse. The trade fair is firmly anchored in the European industries. An analysis shows that 25 % of the visitors are plant and machinery manufacturers. 21 % of the visitors come from the chemical industry, 13 % from the food and feed industry, and 9 % from the pit and quarry industry. The exhibitors constantly emphasize that at Powtech they meet experts who are excellently informed about bulk solids technology. Almost every exhibitor interviewed (92 %) was satisfied to very satisfied with the quality of the discussions. The exhibitors were agreed that Powtech is an international event. 35 % of the exhibitors were international. The leading exhibiting nations after Germany included Italy, Great Britain, Switzerland, Austria and the USA. 33 % of the visitors came from abroad. The top visiting countries after Germany included Austria, Switzerland, Italy, the Czech Republic and the Netherlands. 81 % of the exhibitors rated their overall success at the exhibition as good to very good. 65 % said they had reached all or the majority of their major target groups. 92 % of the exhibitors expect follow-up business from the contacts made during Powtech. Powtech offers an all-round view of the worldwide product spectrum for powder and bulk solids handling. The exhibitors value this sector gathering. Powtech offered young innovative companies a special attraction for the fourth time: Nine promising newcomers to the industry used the opportunity to present their products in this year's pavilion for young innovative companies sponsored by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology. Companies with innovative products or processes can apply for support if they are based in Germany, are younger than ten years and comply with the current EU definition of a "small enterprise" (maximum 50 employees, annual revenue below ten million euros). This year the young ideas offered ranged from revolutionary magnetic measuring systems and a lightweight robot arm to innovative test samples for metal and radiation detectors in the food and pharmaceutical industry. At the parallel TechnoPharm, the international forum for plant planners and operators in the pharmaceutical, food and cosmetics industries, 235 exhibitors from 16 countries presented the current state of the art for production under the most stringent hygiene standards. Partec, the International Congress on Particle Technology also parallel to Powtech, attracted 454 particle specialists to the Exhibition Centre Nuremberg. Just under 50 per cent of them came from abroad. Around 180 presentations and two poster sessions with altogether more than 190 poster presentations invited the experts to an intensive exchange of the latest scientific findings on subjects such as particle formation and characterization, measurement methods and diverse industrial applications for particles. Powtech is part of a worldwide alliance of international exhibitions and conferences on mechanical processing technology and bulk solids handling. The Powder & Bulk Network as it is called covers all the industry's major world markets − Europe, India and China − and so creates a specialist, high-quality platform for entering new local powder & bulk markets. write your comments about the article :: © 2013 Exhibition News :: home page |