
Partec 2013: main speakers confirmed

Six plenary speakers will create impetus for international research and development in particle technology with their papers at the Partec Congress in the Exhibition Centre Nuremberg from 23–25 April 2013. Another highlight is the first presentation of the Friedrich Löffler Prize in recognition of outstanding contributions to particle technology. The prize is awarded by VDI – Gesellschaft Verfahrenstechnik und Chemieingenieurwesen (VDI-GVC), the Association of German Engineers – Association of Process and Chemical Engineering. The deadline for applications is 1 March 2013.

Around 500 specialists from science and industry are expected at the triennial International Congress on Particle Technology. About 180 papers and 190 posters from practice, science and research are devoted to the development of revolutionary materials for the chemical, pharmaceutical, food or building material industry. The discussions and presentations will cover topics such as processes for particle formation and particle characterization, measuring methods and equipment, processes like agglomeration, compacting and coating, and diverse industrial applications for particles. The congress language is English. Interested visitors can register now at

As announced by the organizers, the papers of the main speakers deal with the following topics:

Prof. Marc-Olivier Coppens, Ramsay Memorial Professor, Head of Chemical Engineering, University College London (UCL), UK: "A nature-inspired approach to guide particle structure and dynamics": Nature is a rich source of innovative answers to the challenges of particle technology. The paper presents an approach to utilizing this source.

Prof. Dr. Hidehiro Kamiya, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan:"Nanoparticle and nanomaterial dispersion behaviour control for the application of polymer composite and Li-ion battery": The paper describes the importance of controlling dispersion properties and the aggregation behaviour of nanoparticles in the development of products such as energy stores.

Prof. Dr. Johannes G. Khinast, Institute for Process and Particle Technology at TU Graz, Austria:"Modelling of Granular Systems in the Context of Pharmaceutical Manufacturing": New techniques for the direct simulation of granular flows are presented that permit much larger particle systems to be simulated in an extremely short time, e.g. for improved design and more reliable operation of tablet manufacturing processes.

Prof. Dr. Ir. J.A.M. Kuipers, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, TU Eindhoven, the Netherlands: "Dense Gas-Particle Flows with Momentum, Mass and Heat Transfer. A Multi-Scale Approach": The multi-scale approach attaches special attention to pulse, heat and material transmission processes.

Prof. Jinghai Li, Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Peking, China: "Meso-science – A particle technology perspective": The paper reviews the results of 3 decades of research into meso-scale phenomena in particle-fluid systems – from the principle, modelling and simulation through to application.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Peukert, Chair of Particle Technology at the Friedrich Alexander University of Erlangen-Nürnberg: "Particle technology for quantum dot systems: synthesis, characterization and self-assembly": The paper examines the synthesis, characterization and formulation of quantum dots, i.e. nanoparticles with special optical properties.

Premiere at Partec: presentation of the Friedrich Löffler Prize
VDI-GVC presents the first Excellence Award in recognition of outstanding contributions in the field of particle technology and product design. The Friedrich Löffler Prize is a triennial award intended to support young experts in research and industry and is presented every three years at PARTEC. Applications can be submitted to VDI-GVC until 1 March 2013.

The first award will be presented during the opening ceremony of the Partec Congress, which will be held in the Exhibition Centre Nuremberg, Germany, from 23–25 April 2013.

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