
Discover Russian wines with Asti Group

Starting with the organization of the "Festival of Russian wines" in Moscow Asti Group Exhibition Company every year persistently expands boundaries, presenting products of the leading domestic wineries to the world community. This includes triumphant participation in international competitions, demonstration of domestic wine on the collective stand of Russian wines at the world's largest exhibition London International Wine Fair, master classes, seminars and workshops organized in London. On the other hand it is a lot of work in Russia at the "Drinks Industry / Russian Wine Fair" exhibition, which will be held in Moscow for the 12th time on 20th -22nd of November.

This work began to bring real benefits due to a planned program of support of the domestic wine industry. Despite the changeable attitude of the legislative bodies of the country to promotion of wine and alcohol products at the Russian market, the strategy chosen by the "Asti Group" is unchangeable, as always stresses Nariner Bagmanyan, the president of the Asti Group Exhibition Company, proving not only in words but also in deeds the intention to advocate the uniqueness of Russian wines and serious prospects of their promotion on the world market.

Specific work is being carried out in two ways, both in Russia and abroad, throughout the year. In the nearest future in London, on September 27 there will be a presentation "Discover Russian Wine". It is expected that the presentation will gather up to 30 owners of the restaurant business in London, who represent Russian, Georgian, Azerbaijani, European and British cuisine and have an interest in the acquisition of Russian alcohol.

The next step is the forming of the batch of Russian wines, which will be presented at the nearest social events at the Russian diplomatic mission in the UK. Work in this direction has already begun and Russia's leading wineries who are interested in gaining the status of internationally recognized products, together with the "Asti Group" are forming the first batch of their wines.

Russian round will begin at the international exhibition "Drinks Industry / Russian Wine Fair 2012", where the B2B meetings will be arranged between the exhibitors and the purchasing directors of the UK networks Waitrose and Marks & Spenser, as well as Europe's largest importer Bibendum. While visiting the Russian stand at The London International Wine Fair in May this year at the invitation of "Asti Group", they showed an active interest in the Russian production. Among the plans of the leaders of these companies is not only the visit to the Russian exhibition, but also closer acquaintance with the producers and visit to the wineries of the Krasnodar Territory, Rostov Region and others.

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