
Top Russian Wines in London

The leading Russian producers of the quality grape wines will participate in one of the greatest foreign wine fairs with 32-years-long history ‒ "London International Wine Fair - 2012", from 22 to 24 of May.

This year the Russian exposition would be even more impressive. The collective stand with more then 50 sqm area will demonstrate the wines from the 11 companies from Moscow, Krasnodar and Rostov regions.

Russian events within the framework of the LIWF 2012:
Tuesday, 22nd of May, 12.15.p.m ‒ Industry Briefing: "The Russian Wine Market: Inside and Outside"
Wednesday, 23nd of May, 12.00.p.m ‒ Professional master-class: "New Look at Russian Wines"
For all fair working days on the Russian stand G45 will work the professional sommelier, wine experts and representatives of the leading wineries of Russia. They will do their best to acquaint visitors with the novelty and fresh charm of wines from the endless Russian expanses. You will have a chance to taste the wide range of Russian wines and get information about the wine events organized in Russia itself as well as the law documents package necessary for entering the Russian market.

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