Electric Asia 2008 Expo & Forum
Electric Asia 2008 Expo & Forum, renamed after TENAGA Expo & Forum will be held at the prestigious Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre from 17-20 June 2008 alongside the 2nd Malaysia M&E Show. Billed as the Southeast Asia's Premier International Electrical and Power Industry Show, Electric Asia 2008 Expo & Forum is possibly your No.1 marketing platform to showcase your technology and services to senior decision makers and professionals. Over 10,000 delegates and trade buyers representing power producers, government agencies, property developers, consultants, M&E engineers, facilities managers, manufacturers and distributors/retailers from the electric and power industry are expected at this 4-day event.
What's more? The unmatched records indicate the success of TENAGA 2006 303 Exhibitors from 23 Countries, National Pavilions from Korea, China, Singapore, India and Malaysia, 16, 604 registered trade buyers and delegates, RM19.5 million in sales transacted, 92.9% of the exhibitors rated their participation of successful or average, 84.8% of exhibitors are satisfied with the quality of visitors, 98.2% of the exhibitors are satisfied with overall performance rendered by AMB Exhibitions.
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