
The New LonWorld 2007 Tradeshow and Conference

The New LonWorld 2007 Tradeshow and Conference will be held on 14/15 November in Amsterdam. Increasing demand, limited resources and stricter regulations require intelligent, cost-effective and sustainable solutions for all areas of our lives. At LonWorld 2007, visitors will discover the possibilities and benefits of LonWorks technology. LonWorks technology already has a well established position as the leading technology for energy-saving applications in commercial buildings. LonWorld 2007 will also present the future of LonWorks technology, how it impacts our lives everyday, and how it can be used to conserve and manage energy.

LonWorks technology is already making a difference. The City of Oslo has reduced its street lighting energy by 50% whist at the same time improving road safety; in Germany, a pilot project is underway that will help consumers and utility companies manage energy more efficiently with the aid of intelligent meters; and, all around the world, building automation systems based on LonWorks technology are ensuring the optimal use of energy resources in countless offices, public buildings and homes.

The LonWorks platform has become the world's network technology with the LonWorks community spanning the globe. In Europe alone, approximately 500 companies are members of LonMark International and part of local LonMark Affiliate organisations. Visitors from all over Europe, the USA and Asia are expected to attend LonWorld 2007 – visitors from 18 different countries attended the last LonWorld event in Paris in 2005.

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