
Alternative Car and Transportation Expo

If a cool, new environmental-car is on your holiday wish list, don't miss the groundbreaking Alternative Car and Transportation Expo featuring a chance to ride in and drive new electric, hydrogen, natural gas, biodiesel and ethanol cars never seen before. The Expo, scheduled for December 9-10, is designed to give attendees a first shot at the hottest new environmental cars on the market. Admission to the Expo, as well as numerous seminars and advanced technology displays, will be free. The event will be held at Barker Hangar, located at the Santa Monica Air Center.

More than 100 alternative fuel vehicles will be showcased at the expo, including hybrid, electric, hydrogen, compressed natural gas, plug-in hybrid, high MPG gasoline, ethanol and biodiesel. Other eco-friendly vehicles—such as Segways, electric skateboards, bicycles, mopeds and two- and three-wheeled scooters—will also be on display. Car manufacturers, alternative and green fuel advocates and public transportation, air quality and energy agencies will showcase and discuss new technologies, viable sustainable fuel alternatives, health solutions, urban planning and renewable energy.

Central to the Expo's purpose is to show consumers how they can save money and earn tax credits by going green. A main feature of the event will be to give people the opportunity to try-out many of the vehicles on display, some of which will be available for immediate purchase. Attendees can be the first to drive electric or other eco-friendly cars around their neighborhoods.

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