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High efficiency lighting by Enerteck

Management doesn't have to wait until their employees find themselves straining to see in shadowy conditions, before it's time for a comprehensive lighting upgrade. Understandably, the "comprehensive" aspect of such an upgrade can appear daunting, especially for those managers and businesses paying close attention to the bottom line. Worry not. With high efficiency lighting upgrades, significant money can be saved in the short run. In fact, many of Enerteck's clients have saved over 75% on energy bills after their upgrade leading to a positive cash flow that can help anyone right out of the gate on a 2 or 3 year bank loan. The monthly energy savings more than pay each installment.

And like a loyal customer the savings keep coming in year after year. A 35,000 sq. ft. facility lighting area using 2 work shifts can see savings over $14,000 annually.

The benefits of Enerteck's lighting upgrade can greatly reduce energy costs, but the human and aesthetic value stretch even beyond cost concerns. From a physical standpoint, a comprehensive lighting upgrade can quite literally put your business in it's best light. Many clients comment on how they didn't realize just how dim their previous systems were until their lighting upgrade from Enerteck. Now, those clients are able to see and enjoy their environments much more.

But perhaps the greatest benefit of all is the impact these lights can have on the people working, living and visiting your space. Providing better lighting greatly enhances perception and safety, in all facility lighting especially retail, industrial and commercial environments. Employees will enjoy better visibility, higher light levels, fewer shadowy areas, and will be able to perform their jobs more efficiently. With superior (cri values) light quality, colors will appear truer and brighter. That can translate to improved productivity and sales.

Brighter lighting can also improve morale and the work environment in general. Enerteck's high efficiency lighting gives off a light that is more like natural sunlight, helping the outdoors come indoors.

Where many manufacturers offer a standard, generic lighting solution for all of their clients, Enerteck solutions offer customized answers based on your needs. To begin, a full survey of your facility is conducted, and an audit of your current lighting system is completed.

From there, the project manager will work with you to develop a lighting upgrade plan tailored to your needs and facility, and will provide you with an idea of the savings you can expect. And while the most comprehensive part of the project is the installation of the system, the most exciting is saving money while seeing your facility in a whole new light.

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