No interference of air space surveillance
The requirement profile for the suppliers of the new fire station was very high. Designers therefore decided to choose Efaflex products because in this sector it is particularly important that everything runs smoothly in case of emergency. Due to their size of 7.5 x 4.5 metres, the doors are a technical challenge in case of a wind load of up to 150 km/h. On the basis of § 12 and § 18a of the Air Traffic Law (LVG), the authorities also required a low-reflexion facade design with a reflexion loss of at least 7 dB, thus ensuring that the sonar signal communication between aircrafts and radar transmitters is not negatively affected by wrong signals generated by reflexions of building facades. Therefore it is obligatory for all new buildings within an area of 15 km around the airport to obtain a building permit from the responsible aeronautical authority. Efaflex doors even outperform the required value by 2 dB. These 17 Efaflex high-speed doors are BUS-controlled and are extremely quickly opened or closed in a synchronised way individually for each hall or altogether through a central control desk.
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