Stone+tec date set
The date for Stone+tec Nürnberg 2011 has now been set: the 17th International Trade Fair Natural Stone and Stoneprocessing Technology will be held from Wednesday, 22 to Saturday, 25 June 2011 at the Nuremberg Exhibition Centre. At the close of Stone+tec Nürnberg 2009 the only certainty was that the next edition of the two-year rotation event would be held in May/June 2011. "This was a novelty in the fair's 30-year history", said Roland Kast, Exhibition Director at NürnbergMesse. "There were quite specific reasons for this however: in spring 2011 the dates for several major events will coincide in Nuremberg."
The 2011 date thus once again includes a public holiday on Thursday – a situation which always guarantees a high influx of visitors to Stone+tec especially from the skilled trades. Traditionally Stone+tec's duration always takes in one of the two public holidays each falling on a Thursday, Ascension Day or Corpus Christi.
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