KT-Module scaffolding system
Through the many advantages of the KT-Module scaffolding system, e.g. 20 percent less material is needed (proven in a comparison test with a standard scaffolding system in a 4000 cubic meter project), G.M.B. KT-Modulegerüst GmbH with exclusive usage rights (expired 2007) had an EBITDA-Marge of about 30 percent in the past. This is provable on the basis of cost analyses and reference balance sheets. G.M.B. KT-Modulegerüst is a scaffold-manufacturer from Germany, who provides his innovative and proven Modular-Scaffolding on the free market since this year. Company's scaffolding-system is successfully in use in several German industrial enterprises for many years, e.g. BASF Ludwigshafen AG, one of the biggest chemical parks in Europe. G.M.B. KT-Modulegerüst scaffolding system complies with the newest security standards and therefore it is ready for the upcoming changes of the national security regulations, e.g. in Germany or France.
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