Vinci-led consortium ranked first for motorway concession in Greece
The Greek government has announced that the Apion Kleos consortium, led by Vinci, is ranked first for the Athens–Corinth–Patras–Pyrgos–Tsakona motorway concession. The consortium is made up of Vinci (leader with 36%) through its subsidiaries, Vinci Concessions and Vinci Construction Grands Projets, together with Hochtief of Germany and Greek companies, Elliniki Technodomiki - Aktor, J&P-Avax and Athena. The project calls for the financing, design, construction and operation of 365 km of motorway, which will link Athens to Tsakona in south-west Peloponnese. It will transit via Corinth and the Rion–Antirion bridge, of which Vinci is concessionaire. The work, worth a total of about €2.1 billion, will take six years to complete. The concession will run for 30 years from the date of contract signature.
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