New Hacker TopCoat
Hacker Industries, Inc. introduces Hacker TopCoat. Specially formulated to improve and strengthen the bond between Hacker Floor Underlayments and floor covering adhesives, Hacker TopCoat enhances the surface of Hacker Floor Underlayments and prepares the surface for the application of finished floor coverings. Hacker TopCoat can be applied over any Hacker Floor Underlayment including Firm-Fill Gypsum Concrete, Firm-Fill 2010, Firm-Fill 3310, Firm-Fill High Strength, Firm-Fill 4010 and Gyp-Span Radiant. Hacker Floor Underlayments can receive an application of Hacker TopCoat soon after application and finished floor coverings can be attached when the Hacker Floor Underlayment is dry, usually within 7 to 10 days.
This new product contains a built-in color identifier to assure compliance with ASTM Standards. Hacker TopCoat meets the new ASTM F 2419; Standard Practice for the Installation of Thick Poured Gypsum Concretes and the Preparation of the Surface to Receive Resilient Flooring.
Hacker Industries, Inc. is a supplier of cementitious floor underlayments and acoustical control products.
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