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Soiltac soil stabilizer utilized for unpaved road projects

Arizona Department of Transportation approved and applied Soiltac copolymer emulsion as a new and more economical method for soil stabilization and dust control. The Soiltac dirt road stabilization product has been proven to stabilize poor soils on unpaved roads. ADOT and the City of Mesa recognized the benefit of utilizing Soiltac to suppress dust and improve the strength, stiffness and durability of the soft subgrade soils that make up many of their unpaved dirt roads. When used to solidify poor subgrade soils on unpaved roads, the Soiltac soil stabilization solution reduces the required thickness of overlying asphalt pavement or other types of wear surfaces as well as increasing the useful life of the road.

Furthermore, Soiltac’s ability to stabilize almost any type of native soil or aggregate provides a significant cost savings over the costly traditional method of importing suitable aggregate to replace the existing native soil road base. This road dust control and soil stabilization product is environmentally safe and is one of the first genuinely biodegradable soil stabilizers. Unlike most soil stabilizers and dust control products currently on the market, Soiltac does not contain any byproducts and is manufactured to a patented formula using strict engineering specifications.

Soiltac is a highly concentrated copolymer emulsion. The key to Soiltac’s exceptional performance is its ability to form strong yet flexible three-dimensional bonds between soil and aggregate particles. Soiltac is designed to be extremely durable and resistant to water, sun, alkaline and daily use. It can be as simple to apply as watering the ground. Furthermore, the Soiltac road dust control agent is designed to be diluted with water and work its way down into the soil to maximize the penetration depth and minimize dust. Once cured, Soiltac becomes completely transparent, leaving the natural landscape to appear untouched. Soiltac’s results are based on the application rate used. Modest applications can create a light temporary surface crust that is ideal for erosion control and dust control needs. Heavier applications of Soiltac can generate results similar to the qualities of cement or a low cost alternative to traditional asphalt paving.

From unpaved heavy haul road soil stabilization to a light crust for construction site fugitive dust control, Soiltac is actively solving soil stabilization and dust control challenges throughout the world's residential, industrial, commercial and military markets.

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