Lost members
by Anatoly

As I make a new access database for http://www.wsrp.net site and send out e-mail to our members to register in the new application form, - some e-mails returned back as not currectly existed

Pradeep Nair, UK nair@smirnoff.sonnet.co.uk

Jim Reichman, USA jj.reichman@peakconnection.com

Kurt Kurilko, USA pskakasi@prodigy.net

Michael Black, USA Belkom@aol.com

Raymond J. Pietruszka, USA pietrj@mindspring.com

Marc A. Smith, USA marcas5@ix.netcom.com

James M. Johnston, USA ftduq@stargate.net

Nathaniel Tarn, USA ntarn@earthlink.net

If you know anyone of the members or their valid e-mail address -please, either inform them about the new registration or let me know their new e-mail addresses

14.11.03 00:44 Added by Anatoly


David B. White, USA dbrucew@home.com

Edward J. Laveroni, USA ejpjla@home.com

14.11.03 21:44 Added by Ivo Steijn

Ed Laveroni's email address is:


15.11.03 00:14 Added by Anatoly

Thanks Ivo! I've posted an e-mail to Ed about the registration

15.11.03 11:59 Added by Gary

Dave White is


22.11.03 22:53 Added by Michael Black

Hello Anatoly,

Was very bussy at work and did not visit new site for a while, sorry. I just registered. New E-mail: Belkom@comcast.net

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