
CareLineLive Delivers More Time to Care and a 50% Increase in Revenue for South Coast Care in Just One Year

CareLineLive, one of the UK’s most innovative care management systems, has been working with home care agencies to deliver more time to care through automating procedures, increasing revenue opportunities and decreasing unnecessary costs in their customers’ businesses.

Since installing CareLineLive, Karen Jacobs from South Coast Care, a home care agency with over 60 carers, has seen both the financial and operational benefits “CareLineLive has improved our business from day 1. It’s easy to use and has made us so much more efficient. We are billing an additional 300 hours through extra capacity and our revenue in the first year has increased by 50%.”

The challenges facing agencies that do not use effective care management systems are numerous; from endless paperwork to low staff productivity, inadequate carer-management communication and dissatisfied customers.

With CareLineLive, home care agencies enjoy countless benefits through their integrated 3-way system. The CareLineLive Management System improves cash flow through automating timesheets, increasing billing and payroll accuracy.

Used by Carers, the CareLineLive Mobile App increases shift reliability, productivity with instant access to rotas, and automatically logs visits. Not only that, the GPS tracker increases the personal safety of carers communicating carers’ locations at all times.

Recently launched, the CareLineLive Family & Friends website completes the user experience providing peace of mind about a loved one’s care with live updates about visit schedules, and access to carer notes so they are notified of any problems.

Unlike competitor systems on the market, CareLineLive is the only care management system available on short-term 1 year contracts and can be completely flexible to any size of business; “We chose CareLineLive over other systems as we were impressed with its functionality. Plus it’s been easy to install and can grow with our expanding business, as there were minimal set up costs and we didn’t need lots of new hardware” commented Ronnie Chatterton-Sim, Owner of Coastal Homecare.

To date, CareLineLive has seen impressive results, delivering proven efficiencies and value in their customers’ businesses that, as well as increasing revenue and profits, have led to a 65% reduction in payroll disputes resulting in increased staff retention and a 50% decrease in customer complaints. Furthermore, our customers’ costs have reduced with a 33% reduction in management to staff ratio and lower employment/training costs.

Josh Hough, Managing Director, said “We have already seen huge success with CareLineLive which is fantastic, we are excited about the launch of our new Friends & Family website and are passionate about continually innovating and improving our software to deliver increased value to our customers’ businesses... giving them more time to care and offer the very best service to their customers.”
press contacts

Catherine Firmin
Effloresce Ltd e-mail 07879 620850


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