
Culpa Innata scheduled to release in June

Momentum AS announces that Culpa Innata is scheduled to release June 13th, 2006. To kick off this drive to gold status, Momentum has added some updates and new localized sections in Spanish and Russian at the official website. This story-driven, third person game uses a 3D engine with dynamic cameras and other technologies developed by Momentum AS. Their patented facial animation technology is put to excellent use, as the game features over fifty personable characters that you?ll frequently engage in dialogue throughout your investigation.

Using a point and click interface, players have responded enthusiastically to the intuitive and responsive control. The game features a wide variety of organic obstacles ranging from logic puzzles to hi-tech gadget manipulation to dialogue and inventory challenges.

Phoenix Wallis is a World Union citizen is murdered in Russia, one of the few remaining Rogue States. This murder oddly coincides with the accidental death of a prominent professor in Adrianopolis, an important border town between the World Union and Russia. Peace Officer Phoenix Wallis is assigned to lead the investigation of the murder. Still young and inexperienced, she will soon make discoveries beyond her wildest imagination, as skilled hackers and subversive characters begin taking an inexplicable interest in Phoenix. Her investigation reveals enigmatic clues that lead her deeper and deeper into a mystery that challenges not only her case, but her very beliefs in the worldview she has sworn to protect.

Sandra is Phoenix?s best girlfriend. They became friends at the downtown Adrianopolis gym, and meet regularly after work to shop, hang out or generally gossip about Phoenix?s job, people around town or Sandra?s personal life. Sandra works as a Sr. PR Specialist for ZAP, a leading clothing retailer and one of the frontrunners of the fashion world. She handles their entire PR in Adrianopolis, arranges fashion shows and client parties. As a result, she is in constant contact with the city?s jet set and tends to date only the most elite and wealthiest of men. Although she is very competitive on the job, off duty she is known for her charm and friendly manner.

Extremely hardworking and competent, Dagmar Morssen runs the Immigration and Naturalization Center very well. Although she is at a relatively lower Human Development Index than most of the other high officers in the area, and despite her sometimes 'Politically Incorrect' manners, she is very well respected among the elite of the city. She likes Phoenix for two reasons: They share a similar past, and similar scars from the Great Economic War. And they are both competent and dedicated to their work. She is harsh to all her staff, including Phoenix. She does not have much personal life, but she enjoys a good shopping trip just like everybody else.

Roger or 'Arnie' as everyone calls him, is a leading citizen in Adrianopolis and is an image-maker to anyone who wants to be 'someone' in the city. He was also hired to help the murder victim, Bogdanov re-make himself as a recent immigrant. Arnie is originally from London, Great Britain and has a highly developed sense of style and taste. His surroundings and business reflect his unique personality and position as a fashion leader in the city. He has a very high HDI score, but is unusually politically 'incorrect' for a World Union citizen. Phoenix considers him a source of information for her investigation but is surprised and oddly drawn to his outspoken ways and independent thoughts on society and even her job.

Although the World Union portrays itself as the ultimate perfect society, there is a core group who for either voluntary or involuntary reasons operate and exist outside the confines of the society. Magnus Sorenson is an enigmatic figure that Phoenix meets in an area called Land Of Renovators. Magnus is inquisitive, highly intelligent and has a very warm and reassuring way with people. Phoenix feels as if she has known him for some time, even after their first meeting. He is one of the key leaders of this group of people who operate outside the reality of the World Union and is quite cool and calculated about achieving their ends. He is reportedly a survivor of the dark days of Denmark, where events and actions taken by the World Union in their early campaign to take over all industrialized countries under the umbrella of one world, one economy are not well documented. Though reports of brutal conditions and extreme suffering during their long blockade of Denmark circulate behind the scenes.

Janka Gabor is the secretary to a noted professor, Dr. Melvyn Spencer, who dies under mysterious circumstances around the time Bogdanov was murdered in the rogue state of Russia. Dr. Spencer was a historian who specialized in the early days of the World Unions rise to prominence and global domination. Phoenix considers his death worth investigating in the course of her investigation and Janka may well have information that will help.

Little is known about the background of Mata Hari star performer at the Adrianopolis club, The Stardust. There are rumors that she originates from some eastern nation, possibly even the rogue state of Russia.

Kati Stavropoulos is a senior teacher at the Adrianopolis Childhood Development Center, where all children are raised and educated until they are grown. Although she doesn?t have the highest HDI for her crowd, she is very happy about her work and considers it very important to the World Union and it?s society. She is shy, except with children, and she is very warm and supportive with her charges. She was also one of Bogdanov?s sexual partners and may have important information to help Phoenix uncover the truth about his death.

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