
Secret Game in Xbox 360 Advert

The latest Xbox 360 advert has a hidden game within it that can be accessed by pressing the red interactive button on your digital remote. With the aim of engaging viewers in the world of Xbox 360, on pressing red the viewer is presented with a high-energy and fast- paced video that reveals the games and features of the new Xbox 360.

Finding a way into the hidden game is harder but if you keep your eyes on the movie (especially the scene with the yellow car) you may notice the word 'EGG'. To get past level one, you need to use the keypad on the Sky remote control spell out egg (3, 4, 4).

Level 2: Once there you will see a couple of lambs saying "ofni" and you will need to work out what button on the remote to press to get you through.

Level 3: The final level is the hardest, but Easter eggs had to start at some time. There are seven eggs and one egg has a bow with "Yyyy" written on it. You have to work out what four digits to press to crack the game.

Depending how far you get through the levels, you can get an award for Novice, Skilled, Masterful, and Legend and you can have your game tag registered on the advert.

Leading DiTV agency Weapon7, in collaboration with digital agency AKQA, has created the interactive launch campaign for Microsoft's Xbox 360. The initiative airs nationally on Sky on the 22nd of December and will run for a month. The spot can be accessed through four different commercials and the Sky a-z.

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