
MyTraffic 2006 cleared for take-off

Burkhard Renk and Husain Bengali are proud to announce the release of MyTraffic 2006, the 4th generation of a hugely successful AI traffic add-on. Keeping with the tradition of including never-seen-before features, this iteration of MyTraffic introduces an 'AI Time Machine', allowing users to simulate traffic from any year in the past half century.

In addition to this revolutionary new feature, MyTraffic now includes both Naval (previously sold as a separate add-on) and amphibious AI traffic. Furthermore, the new version includes at least 50 new AI optimized aircraft models (including retired aircraft such as the Concord, B707, and L1011 to name a few) and several completely redesigned versions of existing models.

To accommodate for the AI Time Machine, the internal workings of the Editor have been overhauled to integrate more complex algorithms, support for multi-threading and the addition of a more user friendly method to add individual flights. The Editor now includes data about retired aircraft, old liveries and defunct airlines.

Overall, MyTraffic includes 530, 000 daily flights (civil, military, amphibious and general aviation traffic) and now the ability to simulate traffic from any year starting with the 1950s: this clearly places it ahead of its competition.
MyTraffic 2006 is available as a direct download (paid).

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