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Peter for all 02.12.12 04:49 [9] Portland, United States

This is to report Abdufarruh Mirzairov of Uzbekistan (contact details below) as a bad trader.

Mirzairov Abdufarruh
Polygraphic tupic 8
U. Yusupov street
100128 Tashkent


These are my reasons:

-he sent me items I did not request (after I sent him only what he requested, and some of those items he sent back to me because he already got them from someone else)

-some of the items he sent which I did request were damaged (creases) and HIS ENTIRE PACKAGE SMELLED LIKE STRAWBERRY JAM.

-he ignored all my e-mails requested a replacement for the damaged items and warning him that I would report him if he did not reply to work towards a solution

-two or three times after requesting items from me which I arranged he told me he already arranged them from "other collectors in the US" and didn't need them

-he says that trading for him was "not profitable" because he expects that I order several copies of each new issue which he claims his other partners do (I think very few people collect Uzbekistan and especially in multiple quantities of the same issue)
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