
Press briefing of Russian winemakers in London

On May 16th, at the Russian Embassy in London a press briefing will be held on the occasion of the participation of Russian winemakers in London International Wine Fair 2013.

Among the guests - famous British wine experts, journalists, bloggers, business professionals and specialists of the British wine market.

Organization of such a status event before the opening of the international exhibition is not accidental – very much is expected from the third performance of the Russian wine in England. According to the Ambassador of the Russian Federation in the UK Alexander Yakovenko, last year's success of Russian wines, which surprised many market professionals, served to foster interest in Russian wines as part of the national culture and laid the foundation for the development of bilateral business contacts.

Having established itself as a winemaking country with a high, but not yet fully disclosed, potential, Russia is looking for a niche in the UK market. After getting the first resounding recognition in the international arena in 2011, now the Russian winemakers rely not only on the positive attitude of inquisitive British press, but also on the attention of the wine trading organizations, and are preparing to consolidate the achievements by real contracts.

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