
The new age of SAM: Aspera launches fast and powerful services for reducing Salesforce cloud costs

Rapid Vendor Analysis and its technology close the gap from Software Asset Management (SAM) to financial management

Berlin, Germany, May 11, 2017 – Aspera, the worldwide leader for Strategic SAM, has introduced a new service for optimizing the cost of Salesforce licences. The Rapid Vendor Analysis for Salesforce service delivers concrete suggestions for cost optimization, skipping the industry trend of giving reports with no clear action items. The service closes the gap between a company understanding its cloud costs and finding the savings.

The technology behind the service is License Control for Salesforce, the first SAM tool to interpret metrics and usage data from a SaaS provider – across the entire organization. It works with all Salesforce applications which access the platform, delivering important information such as lack of enterprise-wide consolidation of Salesforce usage. License Control is the initial release in Aspera’s new product family for license optimization in the cloud.

“SaaS solutions consume up to eight-figure sums due to a lack of transparency, ” says Olaf Diehl, Aspera’s Managing Director. “We are delighted to help our customers to overcome this challenge for the Salesforce cloud. We expect savings of 10% ––or more–– of the current contract volume from the analysis. The Rapid Vendor Analysis service is geared towards quickly delivering a fully operational result.”

The helpful features of Rapid Vendor Analysis include:
• A complete overview of all costs and potential savings
• Immediate view of all Salesforce Orgs, accounts and usage with on-demand reports
• Managing expenses for inactive users or employees who left the company
• Reduction of data loss through the deactivation of users
• Interface between License Control for Salesforce and SmartTrack via a standard connector in order to be able to use the data in the central SAM solution

“Our technology is adaptable, since we work based on connectors, ” adds Stephan Pflanzer, director of development and technology at Aspera. “As such, Aspera can react to new cloud applications in a flexible manner. SaaS is a highly dynamic market and requires flexible future-proofed solutions.”

Free Offer for one ORG
Companies interested in evaluating Rapid Vendor Analysis can input and analyze a single Salesforce ORG for free in a 30 day trial of License Control for Salesforce. Working together with Aspera, a fast analysis of all of the customer's instances is implemented in a service project. The result is a full free overview of the company’s current Salesforce Org situation, its costs, and the maximum savings potential.

“The more that companies use cloud-based and usage-based license models, the more important it is to understand their data, ” explains Matthias Vianden, Head of Development. “The big difference in our service is our close contact with each customer. We provide a worry-free, full-service package with the highest data quality in the industry. Then all results are discussed in person to give you the basis for a customized negotiation strategy with Salesforce.”

Gartner forecasts over 1 billion in profits for cloud applications
According to the market research institute Gartner, the trend towards cloud technology in the IT sector will lead to profits of over a billion USD by 2020. In cooperation with we.CONECT, Aspera interviewed companies in February 2017 about the use of cloud products. Of those asked, 75% were already using cloud products, but only 33% had defined and established a corresponding process. Rapid Vendor Analysis for Salesforce closes this gap.

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