
InfoSonics Ships Its verykool i500 and i230 Wireless Handsets

InfoSonics announces that its proprietary verykool i500 and i230 wireless handsets have begun shipping to carriers in Central America. The clamshell i500 quad-band and the slim bar type i230 are feature-rich phones that include a 1.3 megapixel camera, Bluetooth, an MP3 player, external memory capacity etc.

InfoSonics' verykool line of mobile phones covers a full spectrum of product offerings, including entry level handsets, mid-tier feature phones and a Smartphone utilizing Microsoft's Windows Mobile operating platform. The verykool phones are compact handsets, available in multiple fashion colors and include the most popular features demanded by younger consumers, such as MP3 and multimedia players; megapixel cameras; PC Sync; expansion memory slots; and GSM tri-band or quad-band 'world phone' standards. In addition to its wireless handsets, InfoSonics' offers a verykool fixed wireless phone providing connectivity and capacity for broadband that is unimpeded by the limitations of fiber or cable capacity in Latin America and other developing countries where traditional phone connectivity is greatly limited.

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