CompAmerica Announces the TIGER SHARK 19-inch Laptop
Dubbed as the "Biggest Screen Mobil Gaming Computer in the World" and the "Fastest Graphics in a Laptop on Earth", CompAmerica has announced the TigerShark Tx-5900. The new series of TigerSharks sport an advanced, ultra fast response, vibrantly bright 19 inch diagonal LCD Screen. The new 19 inch diagonal "Super LCD" is integrated into a mobil laptop cabinet that is from 1 to 1.8 inches slim from bow to stern. It weighs in slightly less than the ORCA FX-2 series. Inside this amazingly designed cabinet are two nVidia 7800 GTX 256MB Extreme Video Adapters, each with 256MB, for a total of 512MB of Graphic Memory and 8 GPUs. The technology that links them together into a single Graphics Processor, is called "SLI" (Scalable Link Interface). The two Adapters are coupled together like two workhorses, to produce graphics performance simply unavailable from a single Video Adapter.
Backed by AMD's newest 64-Bit Turion ML-44 (and others) from the newest lower voltage consumption breed of AMD 64 processors, the system strikes out to achieve new heights of performance for Gamers, Molecular Modelers and even Video Developers.
The system supports Windows XP (and Windows Vista) exclusively, says the manufacturer, CompAmerica. However local buyers shopping the new product have said that CompAmerica is privately investing in SLI support for Linux and Unix operating systems for those who are running applications in that operating system arena.
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