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Bouygues Construction signs a contract in Hong Kong

Dragages Hong Kong, a subsidiary of Bouygues Construction, was recently awarded a major Hong Kong contract worth 490 million euros. The Cruise Terminal Building project is a design-build contract for a harbour terminal for cruise ships along with supporting facilities.

The installation, which is located to the south of the former runway of the former Kai Tak airport, will be capable of simultaneously berthing two 8,000-passenger mega cruise liners.

Designed by architects Foster + Partners and Wong Tung & Partners, the building will consist of a three-storey open plan landscaped structure. The absence of columns allows highly modular use of space.

Works have recently begun and will last two and a half years (30 months), requiring a workforce of roughly 3, 000 during peak periods. The terminal building and the first berth are scheduled to come into operation in mid-2013.

The terminal will be one of the world's most modern cruise ship berthing facilities, and will strengthen Hong Kong's standing among the region's principal cruise hubs.

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